Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post #9

BlogPost 9
“Describe an example of Emergent Behavior that you participated in or that you witnessed”
Justify why your example constitutes Emergence, describe the scenario from both your individual perspective and a global perspective (outside observer)

One example would be the process of speeding. when one car flies by in the left lane and emergence behavior occurs between the traffic. People will all begin to speed up and follow the speeding car in order to get away with breaking the law. Cops will usually pull over the leader of the group therefore, so long as someone else is going to be taking the blame the swarm of traffic will follow suit and begin to speed. It is a common thing to so for people throughout the world. It is a renowned practice for people who drive long trips for work or whatever reason. Personally I live four hours away from my home in Chelsea Michigan. I perform this type of emergence behavior all the time when I drive home or back to school from home. It's a common emergence behavior in the streets of our society.

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